Re: What can a step implementation ask the pipeline processor?

On 5/22/07, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> Consider the p:episode() function: no stylesheet can possibly use that
> function (even though it's passed to the step) because functions that
> the XSLT stylesheet can use have to be declared in the stylesheet.

Really? I thought we intended to have some of those functions exposed
to XSLT stylesheets executed from a pipeline.

> I *do not* want to have to say "The [whatever we decide] are made
> available to p:matching-documents, p:insert, p:delete, etc. steps
> evaluated by the pipeline but not to p:xslt1, p:xslt2, etc. steps"

We can certainly say that [whatever we decide] is passed to the step,
if it is clear in the specification that unless we say otherwise in
the description of a particular step, steps don't do anything with
[whatever we decide], in particular they do not by default expose
[whatever we decide] to XPath expressions that they evaluate.

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms for the Enterprise

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2007 09:58:23 UTC