Default Option Values

We have many steps where there is an option with an implied
default value.  In my write-up, I assumed the p:option element can
have default values but it does not.

I think it would be good to allow a default value on p:option so that
for the cases where there is an default for the option we can put it
in the p:declare-step element.

The alternative is to describe the default behavior when the
option isn't specified.  While that may be appropriate for
some steps with certain options that have no appropriate
default value, many of the 'boolean' valued options default to
'yes' or 'no'.

In the end, I don't think it really matters whether we track user-specified
versus defaulted for option values.

--Alex Milowski
"The excellence of grammar as a guide is proportional to the paucity of the
inflexions, i.e. to the degree of analysis effected by the language

Bertrand Russell in a footnote of Principles of Mathematics

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2007 22:05:38 UTC