Re: Remarks on alternate proposal

/ Innovimax SARL <> was heard to say:
| == Typos ==
| Example 5. A Sample Pipeline Library
| <p:pipeline-library>
|  <p:declare-step-type> name="extension-component">…</p:declare-steptype>
| should be (two changes the extra > and the missing "-" in close tag)
| <p:pipeline-library>
|  <p:declare-step-type name="extension-component">…</p:declare-step-type>


| --
| Example 3. A Sample Viewport
| <p:viewport name="encdivs" match="h:div[@class='enc']>
|  <p:input port="source">
|    <p:pipe step="step" port="port"/>
|  </p:input>
|  <p:output port="result">
|    <p:pipe step="encrypt" port="result"/>
|  </p:output>
|  <p:step name="encrypt" type="p:encrypt-document">
|    <p:input port="source">
|      <p:pipe step="encdivs" port="current"/>
|    </p:input>
|  </:step><!-- it should be </p:step> here -->
| </p:viewport>


| --
| Conceptually, we can speak of components as objects that have inputs
| and outputs that are connected together and which may have contain
| additional components. Syntactically, we need a mechanism for
| specifying these relationships.
| should be (removing have between 'may' and 'contain' and adding comma
| before second 'that')
| Conceptually, we can speak of components as objects that have inputs
| and outputs, that are connected together and which may contain
| additional components. Syntactically, we need a mechanism for
| specifying these relationships.
| --


| (not sure)
| The union of all the declared outputs of the contained components are
| added to the outputs in the context.
| should be
| The union of all the declared outputs of the contained components is
| added to the outputs in the context.


| == Miss ==
| Try/Catch is still not in the proposal


| == Precision ==
| 1/ What is the use of @sequence ?

It informs the processor when a sequence may be possible.

| 1.a/ In case of @sequence=yes and I put a single p:document ?

That's ok, a sequence of length 1 is still a sequence.

| 1.b/ In case of @sequence=no and I put two or more p:document ?

That's a dynamic error.

| ==Changes==
| 1/NCName vs QName

I think I've fixed those.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Monday, 26 February 2007 20:51:11 UTC