Re: A proposal to restructure our top-level syntax

On Dec 13, 2007 2:21 AM, Henry S. Thompson <> wrote:
> I wasn't suggesting it _would_ be allowed.  My proposal is to make
> p:pipeline a convenience for the 90% case:  it effectively corresponds
> to a p:pipeline-library containing a single p:declare-step with
> attributes and contents taken from the p:pipeline.  That's just a way
> of thinking about, or defining its semantics -- it's up to the editor
> whether, if we adopt this in principle, he describes it that way, or
> in its own terms.

Right, if we go with the p:declare-step / p:pipeline proposal, it
would certainly be up to the editor to decide if he wants to describe
one in term of a special case of the other. Understood.

With this in mind, I was wondering why we would need 2 distinct
constructs: can't we have just one construct, which can be used both
in a p:pipeline-library and on its own (root element)? The benefit is
two-fold: you simplify the language by having only one construct
instead of two, and more importantly you make every single pipeline a
reusable piece of code, just as if it was declared in a pipeline

Orbeon Forms - Web 2.0 Forms, open-source, for the Enterprise

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 16:08:38 UTC