Re: A Strange Viewport

/ Alex Milowski <> was heard to say:
| Surprisingly, you can do this:
| <p:viewport name="crazy">
|    <p:declare-input port="e" step="other" source="result"
|                     select="/doc/x"/>
|    <p:declare-output port="replacement" step="crazy" source="e"/>
|    <p:step name="a" type="special">
|    <p:input port="document" step="outside" source="result"/>
|    </p:step>
| </p:viewport>
| In this case, the viewport iterates over the matching 'x' subtrees
| in the document but doesn't replace them.
| The contained step 'a' should be executed as many times as there
| are 'x' subtrees but it doesn't use as input anything in the
| viewport and doesn't contribute to the viewport's output.
| From and input/output graph flow, it isn't in connected to the viewport
| in anyway.
| Should we allow this kind of step in iteration (i.e. viewport or
| foreach)?

I don't see why not. I don't even see how to prevent it if we wanted

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Monday, 2 October 2006 23:36:38 UTC