Re: p:pipeline

/ Alex Milowski <> was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh wrote:
|> An input looks like this:
|>   input := ($name, $label, $href?, {any content})
|> The name/label pair form the external/internal binding for the stream.
|> If the API doesn't define the input, then it can be read from a URI or
|> taken directly from content.
| I really dislike the use of both "name" and "label".  They mean the same
| thing to me.
| If 'label' is a reference, can we use a name that suggests that (e.g.
| 'ref')?

I took this from someone's mail message, if not yours then perhaps
Alessandro's. I understood the idea to be that name is the external
name (what the user might type on the command line) and label was
the way that some subsequent step could refer to it.

  <p:input name="stylesheet" label="userstyle"/>
  <p:step kind="...">
    <p:with-input from="userstyle"/>

$ xproc pipe.xml stylesheet=/path/to/docbook.xsl

I suppose we could ditch the name attribute and simply use the label
in both places.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
XML Standards Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 20 July 2006 14:18:37 UTC