Re: Auxiliary documents

On 4/12/06, Norman Walsh <> wrote:
> An agressively optimizing pipeline engine, unaware that mydoc.xml has
> an XInclude statement that refers to otherdoc.xml might reasonably
> assume that it doesn't need to run the xslt component. Or, if we have
> a rule that requires all components to run, that it can run the two
> components in parallel.


Regarding parallel execution of steps, I am fine with having the
language mandate that steps are not to be executed in parallel. I
haven't seen so far use cases that are calling for parallel execution,
and I feel we would make the language overly complex by addressing the
issue of parallel execution at this point.

If there is a need, a particular engine can implement an extension to
support parallel execution and based on that experience we can revisit
the question in a subsequent version of language.

This seems to be a fairly self contained issue, so I have created an
entry in Bugzilla:

Blog (XML, Web apps, Open Source):

Received on Thursday, 13 April 2006 01:28:31 UTC