Re: Type of documents flowing through ports

On 20 May 2012 13:10, mozer wrote:

> Do you want to provide a default content ?


> What is exactly the use case ?

  There are two different aspects here.  The first one is to be able
to declare a primary port just for the convenience of connecting it
implicitly, without imposing the user to write the following when
he/she doesn't want to pass it (this is really syntactic sugar, but
XProc syntax is sometimes rather salty, so I think it couldn't hurt):

    <p:input port="source">

  The second aspect is to check the documents flowing through a port,
by checking their root element name:

    <p:declare-step type="my:format-article">
       <p:input port="source" as="document-node(db:article)"/>

  Feeding the previous step with something else than a document with a
root element called "db:article" would then throw a type error, like
for the "as" attribute in XSLT 2.0.

  Is it clearer or do you want a real use case?


Florent Georges

Received on Sunday, 20 May 2012 20:14:34 UTC