[closed] Re: err:XD0002 vs. err:XD0011 vs. err:XD0029

"Toman_Vojtech@emc.com" <Toman_Vojtech@emc.com> writes:
> There seems to be an overlap between the following three dynamic errors:
> err:XD0002
> It is a dynamic error if the processor attempts to retrieve the URI
> specified on a p:document or p:data and fails.
> err:XD0011
> It is a dynamic error if the resource referenced by a p:document element
> does not exist, cannot be accessed, or is not a well-formed XML
> document.
> err:XD0029
> It is a dynamic error if the document referenced by a p:data element
> does not exist, cannot be accessed, or cannot be encoded as specified
> I would say err:XD0002 is not really necessary.

Per the minutes of 6 Aug, fixed by removing err:XD0002.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | The shoe that fits one person pinches
http://nwalsh.com/            | another; there is no recipe for living
                              | that suits all cases.-- Jung

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2009 14:23:01 UTC