Re: New XProc editor's WG reflects latest proposals

Vasil Rangelov <> writes:

> Just a slight correction on it though. The text about unknown options should
> also be added back. You know, the part about
> "4. New options on known steps are ignored in the pipeline."
> Since options can be set with p:with-option as well as attributes, the text
> about unknown attributes doesn't exactly cover it.

Right. I'll fix that.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Man is an intellectual animal, and            | therefore an everlasting contradiction
                              | to himself. His senses centre in
                              | himself, his ideas reach to the ends of
                              | the universe; so that he is torn to
                              | pieces between the two, without a
                              | possibility of its ever being
                              | otherwise.-- Hazlitt

Received on Sunday, 25 October 2009 19:22:30 UTC