RE: Another take on versioning

Another potential risk is that, because not knowing the declarations of
V2 steps, a V1 processor may accept statically a V2 pipeline that
actually contains static errors and would be rejected by V2 processors.
For instance:


Now, suppose the declaration of p:v2-step sais that the step has no
primary output port. Then a V2 processor would reject the pipeline
(provided the rules for static errors don't change much from V1).

A V1 processor, however, might decide to accept the pipeline statically
(by making some assumptions about p:v2-step) and run it. Of course, you
should get a dynamic error if the processor attempted to evaluate the V2
step, but in this case, the processor would never get that far...

But maybe this is OK. After all, it's about forward compatibility and
running V2 pipelines with V1 processors will always have its risks.


Received on Thursday, 8 October 2009 14:20:46 UTC