Re: [closed] Re: 5.4 p:output. Informative para request

2009/4/10 Norman Walsh <>:
> "Dave Pawson" <> writes:
>> How about a
>> <d:important> somewhere there, pointing out the lack of symmetry
>> and how p:store does for output what p:document does for input?
> I've added
>  Note
>  A p:document always reads from the specified URI. In the context of
>  a p:input, this seems perfectly natural. In the context of a
>  p:output, this may seem a little asymmetrical. Putting a p:document
>  in a p:output causes the pipeline to read from the specified URI and
>  provide that document as an output on that port.
>  Use p:store to store the results that appear on a p:output.
> To 5.13 p:document. Please let us know if you don't think that's sufficient.

Yes, I'm happy. Makes it clearer.


Dave Pawson
Docbook FAQ.

Received on Friday, 10 April 2009 16:15:16 UTC