Errors in definition of XPath static context

In Processor XPath Context, I think we've botched the
description of the static context.

We've made each of "Statically known namespaces", "In-scope
variables", "Base URI" depend on things that are only known
dynamically. That seems just wrong.

I think we should say (perhaps "have said", since I'm not sure I want
to try to fix this before we go to CR, though I'm game if everyone
quickly signals assent) that those are the values in the *dynamic

In the *static context*, we should say:

  Statically known namespaces:
  In-scope variables:
  Base URI
     Implementation defined.

That's the only thing that makes sense, I think.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Some people can stay longer in an hour            | than others can in a week

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2008 12:48:07 UTC