[closed] Re: Response headers in p:http-request

I believe this has been resolved (Alex, can you confirm?)

/ Vasil Rangelov <boen.robot@gmail.com> was heard to say:
| Section says:
| ======
| The value of the detailed attribute determines the content of the result
| document. If it is "true", the response to the request is handled as
| follows:
| ...
| 2. Each response header whose name does not start with "Content-" is
| translated into a c:header element.
| ...
| Otherwise (the detailed attribute is not specified or its value is "false"),
| the response to the request is handled as follows:
| 1. If the media type (as determined by the override-content-type attribute
| or the Content-Type response header) is an XML media type, the entity is
| decoded if necessary, then parsed as an XML document and produced on the
| result output port as the entire output of the step.
| 2. Otherwise, the entity body of the response is converted into a c:body or
| c:multipart element via the rules given in the next section.
| ======
| It seems unclear to me how are headers handled when detailed is "false" or
| not specified. Are they handled at all? If not, this should be explicitly
| said. If they are handled, how? The same way?
| In addition, I'm wondering, why should the "Content-type" not be a c:header
| element? Why should all other "Content-*" headers be practically hidden?
| Also, I'd like to propose an additional child element of c:header, perhaps
| called c:parameter that will hold the name and value of parameters in the
| header. The "value" attribute of the c:header can still contain the raw
| value of the header.
| A particular use case for that which I have in mind is getting the "charset"
| parameter out of a "Content-type" header, and which so far seems to be
| hidden altogether. So for example, a response header could be:
| <c:header name="Content-type" value="text/html; charset=utf-8">
| 	<c:parameter name="text/html" value=""/>
| 	<c:parameter name="charset" value="utf-8"/>
| </c:header>
| (PHP for one has a function that could actually translate a raw header into
| an array. I can imagine translating that array into XML elements. Thus, this
| shouldn't be that hard for implementers to implement)
| And of course, this may as well provide useful for easily parsing custom
| headers.
| Regards,
| Vasil Rangelov

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | The only thing that makes life possible
http://nwalsh.com/            | is permanent, intolerable uncertainty;
                              | not knowing what comes next.--Ursula K.
                              | LeGuin

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 14:17:43 UTC