Re: p:parameter usage

/ Pablo Montilla <> was heard to say:
| Hello, I'm a little confused about the intent of p:parameter with
| wildcards...
| When the spec says: 'The name attribute must be a QName, a single
| asterisk (*), or a string of the form *:NCName or NCName:*.', can
| anyone give me an  example of the three uses?

I could, but since we just decided to completely change the way
paramters work...I'm not sure it's worth it :-)

Expect a new draft with different parameters markup in a week or so.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | Do not seek to follow in the footsteps            | of men of old; seek what they
                              | sought.--Matsuo Basho

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2007 12:34:51 UTC