Re: XInclude questions

Norman Walsh scripsit:

> 2. What attributes should be copied from the XInclude element to the
>    root(s) of the included content?
>    a. all of them
>    b. all except href, parse, xml:base, and xml:lang
>    c. only namespace qualified attributes
>    d. only non-namespace-qualified attributes
>    e. the attributes to be copied could be explicitly enumerated in
>    a new attribute

I'm for 2c, which would include the xml:* attributes.  Non-namespaced
attributes are reserved for XInclude, so they are part of the machinery
and shouldn't be copied.

However, this raises two subsidiary questions:

2.1) What happens to xml:id when there are multiple roots?  4.5.3 says
nothing about how to fix up ID attributes, only IDREF(S) attributes.

2.2) What happens if the xinclude element and the included root(s) both
have a given attribute?  I'd say the included root wins, so the copiable
attributes on the xinclude element are just defaults.

John Cowan
Rather than making ill-conceived suggestions for improvement based on
uninformed guesses about established conventions in a field of study with
which familiarity is limited, it is sometimes better to stick to merely
observing the usage and listening to the explanations offered, inserting
only questions as needed to fill in gaps in understanding. --Peter Constable

Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 16:20:41 UTC