something for Namespaces 1.0 3rd Ed

When I go to
I see what looks to me like:

 [Definition: For a name N in a namespace identified
 by a URI /, the namespace name is /. For a name N that
 is not in a namespace, the namespace name has no value. ] 

It was not until I cut and pasted that sentence into this
(mercifully unformatted) email message to ask what the heck
was going on that I realized that the things that looked 
like forward slashes were uppercase I's in italic sans-serif.
(I've never been a big fan of sans-serif for body text.)

I suggest for the upcoming 3rd Edition that we change this
somehow.  Either use a different letter than an I [why are
we using an I for URI?] or do some else to make it clearer.


Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2008 18:02:58 UTC