Re: Canonicalization xml:base processing

> The question is what does "current document" mean in the above and in 
> combination with an xml:base attribute supplied?

I think it's likely that the case of xml:base="" was not considered
when the spec was written, so I don't think we can determine this
from the spec.

> """
> The base URI for a URI reference appearing in an |xml:base| attribute is 
> the base URI of the parent element of the element bearing the |xml:base| 
> attribute, if one exists within the document entity or external entity, 
> otherwise the base URI of the document entity or external entity 
> containing the element.
> """

The question is not what the base URI is for resolving the xml:base
attribute, but how the resolution is done.  If the xml:base attribute
is interpreted as a relative URI even when it is the empty string,
then it resolves to the containing document whatever the parent
element's base URI is.

-- Richard

Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2006 18:21:54 UTC