Re: Including a 1.1 entity in a 1.0 document

Norman Walsh scripsit:
> The 1.1 spec contains some fairly explicit language about what it
> means to include a 1.0 entity in a 1.1 document. Do we have any
> language about what it means for a 1.0 document to include a 1.1
> entity (assuming, of course, that the processor in question accepts
> 1.1)?

In that case, the Third Edition of XML 1.0 would control, which specifies
that the text declaration of the external entity MUST specify version 1.0.
So it's a well-formedness error.

John Cowan                      
At times of peril or dubitation,
Perform swift circular ambulation,
With loud and high-pitched ululation.

Received on Monday, 17 July 2006 17:59:05 UTC