Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2004 August 25

We have an XML Core WG phone call scheduled for Wednesday, 
August 25, from
          08:00-09:00 Pacific time aka
          11:00-12:00 Eastern time aka
          15:00-16:00 UTC
          16:00-17:00 in Ireland and the UK
          17:00-18:00 in middle (most of) Europe
on the Zakim W3C Bridge, +1 617 761 6200, passcode 9652#.
We also use IRC channel #xmlcore on .

See the XML Core group page [1] for pointers to current documents
and other information.  If you have additions to the agenda, please
email them to the WG list before the start of the telcon.

Please also review our group page's task list [2] for accuracy and
completeness and be prepared to amend if necessary and accept it
at the beginning of the call.

Henry, JohnC sent regrets.

1. Accepting the minutes from the last two telcons [3] and
   the current task status [2] (have any questions, comments,
   or corrections ready by the beginning of the call).

2. Miscellaneous administrivia.

3. Problem with xml:space in the Schema document for the XML namespace

Masayasu Ishikawa <> sent us email on this at:

Norm thinks Mimasa is correct; we should not provide a default for
xml:space.  Glenn agrees.  Richard agrees.

But Henry questioned our decision.  Norm and Henry discussed it
a bit; Richard and Glenn were absent.

Henry found that Mimasa was not correct about not being able
to  make xml:space fixed.  Henry replied at:

But it remains open whether we should change the default (or
change the fact that it is defaulted).

ACTION to Henry:  Check his schema collection to see if anyone 
is using xml:space in an interesting way and see if this leads
us to want to change the current declaration of xml:space.

4. XML errata.  The published 1.0 errata document is [8], the
   published 1.1 errata document is [9], and the NEW PUBLIC
   Potential Errata (PE) document is [7]. 

PE 130 Missing paren in section 5.2 in XML 1.1
Editorial.  We should add the missing paren (was in 3rd Ed).

PE 131 Space or S in XML decl.
Commentor says we use Space in the XML decl, but S elsewhere.

Actually, XML decl is (correctly) using S, and S is just the same as in
XML 1.0.

So the bug is that in SDDecl, it refers to x#20+ instead S:

We had CONSENSUS this was an editorial oversight, and that we should
change x#20+ to S in the SDDecl production.

ACTION to Francois:  Process both PEs as Errata as described above.

5. Namespaces in XML.

  ACTION to Richard:  Produce a draft for NS1.0 2nd Ed.

6. Xinclude CR was published April 13 at:
   The updated test suite cover page is at 

The PR-ready draft is at:

The public DoC (aka latest issues list) is at:

We discussed the details of this document a bit and decided
that we just had to touch on the "Reviewer reply unaddressed"
ones, xi-2 and xi-12.

xi-2 : Syntactically incorrect IRIs in href attributes
We decided to leave IRI validation up to the implementation.
ERH objects to doing so, but Daniel's implementation is a
case in point where IRI validation is not feasible.

So the WG reconfirms our previous decision.

xi-12 : xml:lang implementation report
ERH would prefer that we drop the language property from 
xinclude processing.  Specifically:
  I see no need to introduce a new property for the element
  information item to have the desired effect. It would be
  much simpler and more consistent with existing specs and
  APIs to define this purely in terms of attributes.

The WG's understanding of the request from I18N and the TAG
in this area leads us to reconfirm our previous decision.

ACTION to Jonathan:  Augment the DoC to point to our 
reconfirmations above.

Richard had sent a format for submitting test reports and an XSLT 
to convert the report to an HTML page.  He also included his actual

Richard says he also has Elliotte's results.  Richard, how do they look?

We still need implementation feedback from Daniel.

ACTION to DV:  Provide a table giving results (using Richard's files) of
running the test suite on your implementation.

ACTION to Paul:  Write a PR request once we are ready to exit CR.

7. xml:id.

We should say that the values of xml:id must be
Names according to the XML version of the document.

ACTION: xml:id editors to update the draft to allow XML 1.0 and XML
        1.1 Names as appropriate.

Relaxing the constraint that there be one ID per element.

We want to make sure that the xml:id spec is agnostic wrt whether 
there is more than one thing of type id on one elemnt, as this is 
a property of the validation mechanism.  

Currently, the spec says nothing in this regard, so it is, in fact,
agnostic.  Therefore, we have no action.

So the reply to the comment is that the xml:id spec has no such
constraint, so there is nothing to relax.

ACTION to DoC maintainer:  Record this resolution and reply to
the commentor.

ACTION to Norm:  Raise a new issue about whether we need to fix 
the references property as far as the behavior when no xml:id 
declaration is available.

Henry points out that there is no mention of [references] in xml:id,
but there probably should be.

ERH asking for something simpler.

We have thought about this a lot and can't think of anything
simpler that works.  We need to work through the infoset, and
we believe this is simpler than enumerating the behavior of
all existing APIs and interfaces.

Norm had a suggested rewording to simplify the spec (collapsing
section 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and/or making them non-normative appendices).

ACTION to Norm:  Produce such a draft after getting the latest
sources from Daniel.

Norm has collected the xml:id issues at:


Received on Monday, 23 August 2004 15:23:01 UTC