Re: Non-XML binary formats.

Bob Wyman scripsit:

> The reality is that ASN.1 has always been able to do all that XML
> could do and it has been doing it for 20 years. 

Except provide standard APIs and a well-supported multi-lingual processing
toolkit.  The reasons for that are social as much as technical, but do
count as a reason for not using ASN.1.

> What they don't realize is that there is a reason that ASN.1 is as
> "complete" as it is. That "completeness" has been found to be required.

The SGML weenies said that too.

I am expressing my opinion.  When my            John Cowan
honorable and gallant friend is called,
he will express his opinion.  This is 
the process which we call Debate.                   --Winston Churchill

Received on Tuesday, 30 November 2004 13:54:00 UTC