Re: Clarifying questions about M12n 1.1 PER

This is an UNOFFICIAL response.

Krzysztof Maczyński wrote:
> Dear XHTML 2 WG,
> Section 3.6 says:
>> The leading field must be "-" to indicate a privately defined resource.
> Why is that? (I know it was already in M12n 1.0.) What's the purpose of preventing people from registering their FPIs?

Honestly, I don't remember.  I wrote that text many years ago.  It was 
not an issue raised prior to the PER being developed, so it was not 
something we considered. 

> It also says in SotD:
>> Moving the name attribute for the form and img elements out of the legacy module and into their base modules - this attribute is required for some scripting constructs.
> Could you provide a more detailed explanation (in your reply, not necessarily in the spec), please?

Sure.  This was an issue raised many times by people using XHTML M12N 
based languages.  Basically, as I understand it, JavaScript and the HTML 
DOM expose the list of forms and images in a document via their 'name'.  
So, for example, document.NAME is a reference to a FORM element with 
@name if 'NAME'. 

Hope this helps.

> Best regards,
> Krzysztof Maczyński
> Invited Expert, HTML WG

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Received on Monday, 19 April 2010 13:41:21 UTC