About iframe and object

Dear all,
I have published a test page for planned tests on bookmarking of
<object> and <iframe> elements. Actually this page is composed by two
iframes (identified with "f1" and "f2" ids) and two text/html objects
(identified with "f3" and "f4" ids); the example currently works on
Firefox 2+ and the entire dynamic refresh is generated by a javascript

A typical url, based on xframes syntax, can be like this:


or even assigning addresses for all ids.

I still have to "populate" the domain to show more and clearer
examples of internal navigation and dynamic changing of the elements
content driven by browser address bar; at the same time the bar
reports every iframe/object navigation changes. Obviously we have
security issues, so we'll have to browse only documents stored on the
same domain.

According to friend Diego La Monica of PF-ARIA WG I preferred to
rebuild with a regular expression part of the innerHTML in the
<object> because the dynamic changing of the "data" attribute
unfortunately seems to have no real effect on the element's content
reloading (only an iframe can interoperate as a *real* frame).

When manually composing a url in the address bar it could be necessary
to reload the entire page with the refresh browser button (maybe I
should think to add a listener to avoid that).

Please look at this as a work in progress: actually it's just an
"alpha" to improve hardly, and that could be interesting to
re-implement with ARIA and cross-browser features. Any feedback and/or
suggestion will be very appreciated.

Have a nice day

Alessio Cartocci
International Webmasters Association / The HTML Writers Guild

Received on Wednesday, 30 April 2008 14:45:57 UTC