Re: WebID job offers

On 7/26/12 10:38 AM, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:
> totally agreed!
> we could create a drop box account, which would be included in one of
> existing virtuosos, so that people simply upload joboffers.
> since i'm already working on a list of companies in the
> semantic-web/linked data field i'm including any organization that has a
> job offer, so that people also see more linked data goodies. these
> organizations would be sparql-able via SPARQL-SERVICE.
> should we use oplli?

Yes, at least for now anyway.

Ontology URL: .

> is there an official job offer ontology, is a
> joboffer some sort of goodrelations offer?

Yes, its an offer from a Business Entity. Likewise, a contractor can 
also offer their services to whoever is interested. If you take a closer 
look an an ODS profile (behind the "More" tab) you'll notice we even 
capture Wants, Needs, Favorite Things, Likes, and DisLikes. Basically, I 
even discussed some of this a few years ago in an interview [1] about 
the power of personal profile data re., our ability to describe what we 
Seek which ultimately binds (serendipitously) with what others are 
Offering etc..


1. -- Jon Udell interview about profile data an 
2. -- Linked Open Commerce Data Space .

> i'm totally in for stuff like this.
> wkr turnguard
> On Thu, 2012-07-26 at 09:05 -0400, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 7/26/12 6:26 AM, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:
>>> +1
>>> i'm of course willing to support people from the tomcat world.
>>> wkr turnguard
>> All,
>> We can dogfood our mission (unveil and bootstrap RWW dimension of Web)
>> by publishing structured job descriptions.
>> Example of a Job from LinkedIn: .
>> Anyone can go to the footer of the description page to which the URI
>> above resolves, grab data is preferred format, then knock up a WebID
>> specific job description. Once completed, it just gets published to the
>> Web :-)
>> Kingsley
>>> On Thu, 2012-07-26 at 12:19 +0200, Henry Story wrote:
>>>> I am finding more people recently asking for help implementing WebID ( and aspects of RWW ). I am directing them to the community here to help find people. We need these implementations to grow the community.
>>>> This should help us now drive adoption on usage scenarios coming from industry.
>>>> Henry
>>>> Social Web Architect



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Thursday, 26 July 2012 15:00:43 UTC