Re: Matter of DN and what's possible

On 10 Jan 2012, at 00:28, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

> On 1/9/12 6:21 PM, Henry Story wrote:
>> On 10 Jan 2012, at 00:15, Jürgen Jakobitsch wrote:
>>> henry wrote :
>>> yes. as it happens Jurgens graph would pass my verifier.
>>> no it [1] doesn't pass your verifier, which is absolutely correct!
>>> message :
>>> Verification of
>>> failed	keys in profile don't match key in certificate for
>>> only the response message is unclear as to why it didn't pass, because there is no statement about in the graph.
>> Well that's why it did not pass!
>> Currently the ask query requires me to put the WebID from you SAN in to the ?webid slot of the SPARQL query.
>> It is really clearly explained here:
>> PREFIX :<>
>> PREFIX xsd:<>
>> ASK {
>>    ?webid :key [
>>       :modulus ?mod;
>>       :exponent ?exp;
>>    ] .
>> }
>> I don't know how this could be any clearer.
>> Ok the message could say "no relation between the WebId ... and the public key ... was found". That would be clearer.
>> I'll add that as a todo.
>> Henry
> Your query has ambiguous scope, does that clarity matters?

If it is true then it does matter indeed.

> SPARQL engines will produce different results do to how they handle:
> 1. default graphs
> 2. named graphs.

The spec is clear that the graph considered is the graph that is produced from the representation returned.
Is it still ambiguous now?


Received on Monday, 9 January 2012 23:35:33 UTC