RE: Matter of DN and what's possible

I'm reading backwards in time, and proably wont bother reading too far back. If the semantic web is still about the priestly caste, it will continue to be where it is. If its about the bottom half the class and the world of reality, it can obviously define the next generaton browser. And it can evidently do it today. Ill leave it to folks to decide whether now is right, or one waits till tomorrow. Perhaps we are the wrong adopting party, in realty. We already have petabytes of facts about every important social networking event on US (that really matters). Its collectged over 40 years, and outclasses Facbook in fidelity by a few orders of magnitude. I dont even bother with the like of Garlik (since I can cut out the intermediaries who cannot distinguish fact from pseudo fact and spin). We already have neural networks analyzing the data on the wire, running bayseian matching rule withy colorihg (courtesy of the Israeli army paying for all its productization) doing real time fact analysis.... suited to managing folks' risk  - with typically their entire net worth. But, we are trusted not to use it (or make money from it). Its there in trust for Realtors (who add 2% of "fidelity" to otherwise public data). It makes them their living. Its also the public trust (since real estate is a publicly regulated trade). AS one focusses on certs, realize why some of it is called the "Public CA" (vs the PKI, or enterprize CA). Its there as a national contribution - not a server minting certs. This means its tuned to social reality - with all its flaws. The only criterion is: folks use it (and LOTS of them, today). Yup, I went to a particular kind of universitiy...   		 	   		  

Received on Monday, 9 January 2012 18:03:40 UTC