Re: VOTE CONCLUSION - was: 2 resolutions, please vote

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 5:17 PM, Henry Story <>wrote:

> On 22 Nov 2011, at 23:11, Stéphane Corlosquet wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 4:50 PM, Henry Story <>
> wrote:
>> My bigger problem is how to show this in the WebID spec.
>> I just wrote the Turtle version with the hexBinary format in the bblfish
>> branch if hg. You will see that it then just is one very very long line.
>> How do we present this in the spec in such a way to not mislead people into
>> thinking the string is split, but without having them need to scroll 3
>> screens to the right?
> pre.example {
>   overflow:auto;
> }
> No I tried many of these obvious variations. If you do that you just get a
> scroll bar, but you still have the problem that you have to scroll to the
> right, now in an internal scroll bar it is true rather than the window
> scroll bar, but that is not much of an improvement.

I agree. but the slight improvement is that the overflow is contained, and
the whole spec doesn't end up with a vertical scroll. until someone else
finds a better solution...


> Henry
> Steph.
> Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 22:27:07 UTC