Re: distinction between authentication and identity/profile ?

On 6 Jun 2011, at 12:49, elf Pavlik wrote:

> Hello,
> Great meeting some of you in Berlin!
> Sometimes I find a bit confusing in WebID, mixing identity/profile and using client certificate for authentication. How do you see making stronger distinction between those two?

The WebIDProfile can be your foaf Profile. No issue. That is who most of us do it.

> What if someone wants to have an URI and foaf profile but for authentication would like to use other mechanizm than client certificate, OpenID for example...

That is also ok. You can use 


to do that. Link your WebId to your openid and link your openid page to your profile and things are great.
Your OpenID could also be your WebID Profile Document.

> Dees plain FOAF has exactly the same potential in terms of identity and social graph?

same potential as what?

> Does WebID adds anything else to FOAF than authentication with client certificate?

yes, it is a very minimal spec. Because it uses cryptography and very well known technologies in an original way
it needs some careful work in a standards body.

> I appreciate any comments and links which can help me with clarifying it!

Hope that helps,


> Thanks!
> =)
> elf Pavlik

Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 6 June 2011 14:14:59 UTC