Browser ID + all clientside JS WebID

Ben Adida wrote:
>> Generally speaking it seems at a non technical level, that BrowserID is
>> a nice abstraction layer on top of WebID, that makes it more user 
>> friendly.
> Right, at a non-technical level, but if you dig into the technical 
> details, the big difference is that BrowserID delivers an assertion in 
> the application layer, while WebID delivers it in the network security 
> layer.

question: if a domain isn't allowed access, at what point in the 
procedure does this take effect? before or after the assertion is sent 
to the rp/verifier?

PublicKey storeWebID('http://we....');
string getWebID();

storeWebID takes a URI input, associates it with a keypair and returns 
the public key.

one adds the public key to their personal profile located at webid-uri 
(or has a script to do it w/ a password verification or some such)

getWebID pops up a dialog that asks them to select a webid uri, after 
selecting it, it signs it with the private key associated with it, gets 
the public key from webid-uri, verifies the signature, if cool it 
returns the webid.

Received on Tuesday, 19 July 2011 20:01:57 UTC