German eID

In Monday's teleconf Martin Gaedke pointed out

gaedke: regarding electronic IDs, there is something going on in Germany
... also in other countries ongoing
<webr3> like the US too

I found the technical details here

As I understand these card work with a public key infrastracture. The CA is
certificate is a Card Verifiable Certificates ISO 7816, and the certificates
for the qualified electronic signature are X509 certs.

It will require client software that supports the eCard-API, and an eID server. These are defined here

 1. BSI TR-03110 EAC und PACE
 2. BSI TR-03112 eCard-API
 3. BSI TR-03127 Architektur
 4. BSI TR-03130 eID-Server

Perhaps the picture here helps

Not sure how international these standards are, or how open. 

It would be intresting to see if browsers can interact with these cards, if they contain an X509 certificate, and if these could contain a WebID.


Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2011 10:11:43 UTC