RE: default hashtags

I have not altered my code. My code exists to get people passed windows API hurdles, only, where possible, particularly in the area of certs and SSL. I got passed most of them (but not all, as we discussed, yesterday).  Folks can now steal bits of knowhow that will typically block them in the vague security areas of Windows security, and then do semweb properly themselves - using the latest tool chains. My forte is certs, cert lifecyles management, and SSL - not querying (where Im almost incompetent).  It shoudl not be hard for someone else to now take the existing IIS/windowsidentity -> wordpress plugin, and let an IIS identity (qualified using a variant of my code re-cast as a interceptor module, vs a page handler) to drive a hosted wordpress site. That IIS identity is just the webid, pre-validated, of course. THe wordpress site then presumably does "yet more semantic" web type behaviours with the resources at that webid, and any other resources to which it relates. Drupal on IIS cannot be much harder, either. Both wordpress and Drupal would then get hardened SSL, courtesy of windows. This will give webid in those frameworks access to $500 HSM PCI cards, that will make the SSL crypto really fly... for a million usrs. Anyways back on topic, I just experimented working with the community site - one that hosts and presumably has passed the unit tests. I gave it a cert 2 of whose URIs are synonyms by syntax (I believe). Another URI happens to share a base URI to the first two, simply pointing at the distinct graph on the same page. In short, I put two blocks of RDfa in a blog post using a text editor (which is about the limit of my skill...) and changed an anchor.  I also experimented with "base" (no path) vs URL-path-centric WebIDs that act as permanent URIs in the (true) HTTP sense (generating 301s, not 302s). It just so happens that blogspot puts the one and only one blog post on my site as its "home page", thus is an "effective" synonym of the true identity of the document bearing the graph.  This all seems very natural. blogspot does not 301 redirect to the permanent URI of the graph, it just embeds the graph on its own root path of the blog site. Apparently, I can buy a domain name for the site, and there could be another synomym. In a local trial, I made a CNAME synonym for and duly became a "Local" synonym for Obviously, it would not work at FCNS, unless we replicate DNS zones as an affilaition of relying parties. (This is really not that hard, these days). That all this works, more to the point, is great. It felt natural. it felt like NORMAL internet, DNS, web world, with average skill requirements.  From:
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2011 19:11:15 +0100
Subject: Re: default hashtags

On 2 Dec 2011, at 18:53, Peter Williams wrote:My brain is such that I dont remember technical stuff for more than a few months, unless its refreshed. I dont remember the rules of hashtags, anymore.
if I put  in the SAN URI of the certs, will hat get treated asIf for the purposes of SPARQL ASK?
Im hoping I can change my graph in my webid profile to stop using #me as the RDFa-coded graph's localid, but use # instead, so the above would all dereference
Does it?
If it doesnt happen by default, is there any statement I could put in my graph at http:/ today to that would induce the validation agent doing SPARQL ASK (when agumented with an RDFS reasoner, perhaps) to have view SAN URI of   asIF (and/or http:/

We are trying to keep the query simple. It's not a lot of work for you to do it right.  I am sure in Military Grade environments, people aresticklers for details, so you will understand.

Social Web Architect


Received on Friday, 2 December 2011 19:50:53 UTC