Re: the openid para

On 28 Apr 2011, at 15:37, Henry Story wrote:

> It's quite difficult to get these things right in the amount of space we had available.
> Perhaps all that is needed is a couple of sentences for what OpenId can do that WebID cannot:
> - deal with browsers that have no client certs
> - deal with the wide adopted openid endpoints -> (no longer works though)

Argh! does in fact work, but not in Safari on the Mac (not sure about windows safari)
This is probably the same issue that has with Safari. There must be a trick to get this

I would certainly like to add a link to to the paper, even if it does not make it to the official
version. So 3 short sentences for the openid para that allow us to give a bit more openid love. I buy the winner
a beer in Berlin - or if you prefer you get your name added to the paper. 

> - (I am not sure I'd make a big case about shared computers because the only thing that can
>    solve that with any limited degree of security is cryptokeys or token cards, one time passwords,
>   though perhaps one time passwords make more sense with openid for short lived logins)

Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 19:36:40 UTC