Re: Position Paper for W3C Workshop on Identity

>> On 23 Apr 2011, at 19:08, Jeff Sayre wrote:
>>> Thus, WebID is not just for the Web.

> On 23 Apr 2011, at 1:21 PM, Henry Story wrote:
>> Agree, but one should pause at the word "just" here. It makes me wonder:
>> what else do we have that is bigger? It's a bit like saying Bill Gates
is just
>> rich....

Removing 'just' from my sentence would not make any sense. The point is
that WebID has a practical role beyond the Web (big W). The Internet is
bigger than the Web platform. Non-webby protocols can harness the power of

>> Anyway, when talking to browser vendors and builders, one should presume
>> that their
>> interest lies focused in the space just encompassed by this technology.
>> :-)

Of course. The workshop is targeting browser vendors. Therefore, the
browser-based Internet. As I've said several times before in this thread,
our position paper thus needs to be Web (big W) focused.

I assumed Kingsley was making a larger point and not referring
specifically to our position paper. That is the downside to threaded email
discussions that tend to snake around, periodically going off topic a bit.
It can sometimes be hard to know what topic is being discussed. :)

BTW, why have we stopped using Google Docs? I assumed that you were just
exporting an HTML version for people's reference and that we would
continue our edits in Google Docs. It is impossible for anyone else to
make corrections to the document in its present format.

I would say that at this stage, with the exception of a few edits and
proofreading corrections, we are beginning to nitpick with the paper's
details. Remember, *all* this paper needs to do is earn us a presentation
invite. It does not need to be perfect in all respects with regards to
describing WebID. We can go into more detail, be more precise, or paint a
bigger picture in our 20-minute talk.


Received on Saturday, 23 April 2011 22:29:33 UTC