Re: EARL based WebID tests: a first example

It would be cool if the page for the test is not only for this single
purpose. Therefore we should not rely on description property values. I
made already a proposal [1] how the additonal information could look
like and created a demo [2]. The certificate and http informations are
usefull for further problem analyses but I think they should not be used
for verifying the test cases. The http request for the webProfile should
be also included. Michael Hausenblas mentioned in this mail [3] the RDFa
tests. For the WebID test cases also the test vocab [4] could be used to
point to SPARQL queries to verify the endpoint results.


Am 15.04.2011 13:36, schrieb Henry Story:
> So I have been studying the "Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0 Guide"
> ontology, to see how we could adapt our tests to produce RDF using that ontology.
> Below I have tried to sketch carefully what a tester like 
> could end up producing so that other robots could be created to do much deeper tests on a
> service, testing every part of an implementation we can think of.
> The results in N3 below are in three parts:
>  1. declaration of the subject
>  2. List of test cases I could think of from my experience building a tester
>  3. a report example in n3
> We should place the test case vocabulary somewhere with the spec, so that others can build
> both simple test end points, and others can produce meta test suites. This is what EARL is all
> about.
> Feedback welcome.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> @prefix earl: <> .
> @prefix zz: ? . #for the clerezza agent
> @prefix doap: <> .
> @prefix rdf: <> .
> @prefix rdfs: <> .
> @prefix wit: <?> . #Web Id Test
> @prefix http: <> .
> zz:tester a earl:Software;
>     doap:repository <>;
>     doap:programming-language "Scala";
>     doap:developer <>;
>     doap:name "WebID Test suite in Clerezza" .
> <> a doap:SVNRepository .
> ###############################################
> #
> # Initial Test vocabulary to write somewhere
> #
> # todo: where should these be placed?
> #
> ################################################
> # profile and pubkey tests
> wit:profileGet a earl:TestRequirement;
>   dct:title "WebId Profile is accessible and downloadable".
> wit:profileWF a earl:TestRequirement;
>   dct:title "WebId Profile is well formed";
>   dct:description "The WebId Profile is parseable Content and transformable to RDF" .
> wit:profileWFKey a earl:TestRequirement;
>    dct:title "WebIdProfile Contains well formed Keys";
>    dct:description "All the keys in the profile are well formed and not misleading";
>    skos:note "One does not need to test all keys in a profile, only those that are tied to the WebIDs found in the X509 cert. But to help users one could give them a deeper test of the profile." .
> wit:pubkey a earl:TestRequirement;
>    dct:title "Public Key is well formed" ;
>    dct:description "A particular Public key is well formed" .
> wit:pubkeyMod a earl:TestRequirement;
>    dct:title "rsa:modulus is well formed" .
> wit:pubkeyMod_func a earl:TestCase;
>    dct:title "not more than one modulus";
>      dct:description "More than one modulus if they don't convert to the same number will lead to erratic behavior (one server will choose one the other server will chose the other)".
> wit:pubkeyMod_lit a earl:TestCase;
>    dct:title "rsa:modulus is a literal number";
>    dct:description "In the current ontology we have moved to literals as the standard way of describing modulus and exponents".
> wit:pubkeyExp a earl:TestRequirement;
>    dct:title "rsa:public_exponent is well formed" .
> wit:pubkeyExp_func a earl:TestCase;
>    dct:title "not more than one public exponent per RSA public key - or else they have to be identical" .
>    dct:description "More than one exponent if they don't convert to the same number is very likely to create erratic behavior (one server will choose one the other server will chose the other)".
> wit:pubkeyExp_lit a earl:TestCase;
>    dct:title "rsa:exponent key is a literal";
>    dct:description "In the current ontology we have moved to literals as the standard way of describing modulus and exponents".
> wit:pubkeyMod_old_func a earl:TestCase;
>    dct:title "if modulus is using non literal notation, there should be only one cert:hex relation to plain literal";
>    skos:note "this should be a deprecated test sooner rather than later. Warn people to move to newer notation.".
> wit:pubkeyExp_old_func a earl:TestCase;
>    dct:title "if exponent is using non literal notation, there should be only one cert:decimal relation to plain literal" .
> #tying pubkey to Webid
> wit:webid_verification_gt0 a earl:TestRequirement;
>    dct:title "At least one webid mentioned in certificate has public key that verifies".
> wit:webid_verification a earl:TestRequirement;
>    dct:title "A WebId in cert's public key has public key declared in profile that matches the public key corresponding to private key used in TLS connection".
> # tests on certificate internet heritage conformance
> # useful for test suites to help developers understand why they should build certificates
> # a certain way. TODO.
> ###############################################
> #
> # Example test result to make sure the above ontology is at least partially correct
> #
> ################################################
> [] a earl:Assertion;
>   earl:test wit:webid_verification;
>   earl:result [ a earl:TestResult;
>      dct:description "rsa public key has two relations for modulus";
>      earl:outcome earl:failed ];
>   earl:subject :webProfile, :x509, { 
>     [] cert:identity <>; 
>        cert:modulus "as123123..."^^cert:hex, "dfff32093sd..."^^cert:hex; 
>        cert:public_exponent "65537"^^cert:int;
>   };
>   earl:assertedBy zz:tester .
> [] a earl:Assertion;
>   earl:test wit:pubkeyMod_func;
>   earl:result [ a earl:TestResult;
>      dct:description "webid http://user.example/#me does not have a matching public key in profile";
>      earl:outcome earl:success ]; 
>   earl:subject :webProfile, :x509;
>   earl:assertedBy zz:tester .
> :x509 a cert:X509Certificate;
>      cert:pemFormat """-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
> MIIDgzCCAuygAwIBAgIQZ84ABvhjj7hqFoWqSsvBFjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADBj
> ZWxmIFNpZ25lcnMxJjAkBgNVBAMMHU5vdCBhIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9y
> czE3MDUGCgmSJomT8ixkAQEMJ2h0dHA6Ly9iYmxmaXNoLm5ldC9wZW9wbGUvaGVu
> AQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA5+kuueCGksuOuQciIrf7hjSRiahB8c3hd8hPjTH/
> 6k+NBKN+H0MRHPiSVCVwvvhstF2zmE6Ms0NwzSDWHuSOqjEwu6+CKE8tvL0Y0OHk
> bkhVDhenLPQagKIWjXe0k4CDIcizyNj1L8zRwsN0TaxrYZZPlaTx2/VpMI3ApaVK
> yb/4+mJ4UZDBol9TMkTfyBbPq3iISMz6rt3vsNgksXar0DCftGag2V2E1L/t8Hvu
> De0UaqKajsIlVtu/iUMSYKu41dZJCVCYm/DrqcX0m1aUwHAYWKtSap9Z5p7PnJVo
> wqp2/3jnsf7h6WlUN9yQtm/FeEeMp+3Mx7DokAYYTElTaQIDAQABo4GKMIGHMAwG
> cDovL2JibGZpc2gubmV0L3Blb3BsZS9oZW5yeS9jYXJkI21lMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB
> BQUAA4GBAH0kxSBDYGAMah4cloznjsnglGNMCTd2zPtxnWDFUjuD2YWhc8QXd/k7
> T1GlVZdLfT175/D7jYpXEVH7UyO8DTnttlAePmDqbspT+vcpV1orUrWlMTJ7hAzP
> Ev9aBOHrZPyKDeUJO0JgwAWxOU/ND347Ssg3lTbFt0jrZxDLHLxC
> -----END CERTIFICATE-----""";
>   # should we also have a relation to the openssl type text format? Is that a standard?
>   cert:subjectAlternativeName <>;
>   cert:IssuerDistinguishedName "O=FOAF+SSL, OU=The Community of Self Signers, CN=Not a Certification Authority"...
> :webProfile a http:Response;
>           http:httpVersion "1.1";
>           http:headers [...];
>           http:body "#the rdf file used. could be n3, or something. This could also point to the content?..."] .
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Henry

Received on Friday, 15 April 2011 20:25:56 UTC