Re: Binary WebID Profiles

On 12 Apr 2011, at 19:21, Henry Story wrote:

>> On 4/12/11 1:00 PM, peter williams wrote:
>>> Yes, it's time for a restful web service (supported by https client authn and SSL session management) that takes a base64 encode cert as input, and returns YES/NO
>> Yes.
> How do you make multiple PEM's in that file possible (so someone can have multiple files) 
> What is the mime type one should use?
> How does one link to another file? (after all it's the hyperdata we are after)
> Those are not questions meant to put a stop to this exploration. Just it would be good to come up with some ideas there.

Some answers are here in a previous post

and also

Perhaps one can use that to put a number of public keys in there in pem format.

> Perhaps you can write a small proposal on how to do this.
>>> The input parser should assume the worst: strange CRLF or LR or CR, random header text, variable number of dashes, missing final EOL, UTF header bytes, web friendly char sets or ascii - so as to deal with the realty of "PEM encoding"
>> Yes.
>>> Another variant would take a cert sha1 fingerprint, rather than the cert.
>> Yes.
> Again what format?
>> Scheduled :-)
> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 17:29:19 UTC