Re: [unhosted] Push notifications?

On 4/10/11 12:47 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:

FYI for WebID IG since I forgot to cc. you in on this response.

> On 4/10/11 5:31 AM, Michiel de Jong wrote:
>> I don't think there is a way to do push notifications[1], with the 
>> vanilla DAV service that's in our current protocol stack[2]. That's a 
>> bit of a bummer, because push is nice.
>> It may also be a blessing in disguise though, so we can focus on the 
>> essential basics while spinning up the eco-system (first unhosted 
>> account providers and first unhosted web apps) using only pull 
>> architecture. The good thing about a pull-only setup is that all 
>> resources are owned by the person who writes them, which makes 
>> everything a lot more manageable. We can always slate push 
>> notifications as something we might want to put into the October 2011 
>> update. That gives us some time to think about how we want to protect 
>> against notification-spam, etcetera.
>> Cheers!
>> Michiel
>> [1]
>> [2]
> You can use SemanticPingback or Salmon Slap for triggered 
> notifications  re. WebDAV. You can also leverage PubSubHubbub too. 
> SPAM nullification boils down to verifiable identity be it signed 
> emails, comments, pingbacks etc.. You need to combine verifiable 
> identity with resources ACLs.
> Links:
> 1. -- OpenLink Data Spaces (an 
> Open Source Platform for Personal and Corporate Data Spaces)
> 2. -- 
> using WebID ACLs to protect resources in the ODS-Briefcase (WebDAV)
> 3. -- 
> attempting to access ACL protected WebDAV  or basic HTTP accessible 
> resources .
> -- 
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen	
> President&  CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Web:
> Weblog:
> Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Sunday, 10 April 2011 16:51:54 UTC