Doing things with WebID and a Poster Child

Hi All,

Over the past few months, Joe Presbrey (who's been highly involved with 
WebID since the start and does the Apache mods) has been beavering away 
on (formerly and is creating something great 
which we can all use, and which fully supports and uses WebID.

In short, it's a "data wiki" and storage platform which (now) supports 
everything from HTML files and css/js through to RDF, N3 and SPARQL 
support, all with a RESTful interface and hooked in to WebID 
authentication, Facebook auth, and full ACL control on resources. 
Really, anybody could get on and use it as either a storage platform, or 
create simple/powerful demos of real world apps using it today.

Amongst others, Melvin Carvahlo (also heavily involved in WebID, and 
creator of has been getting rather excited about it and setting 
up all manner of demo's and use cases (for instance on

So, if you:

  - are in to coding and would like to work on something webid related 
and make better, the code is all open source and I'd encourage you 
to get together w/ Joe and do some hacking/coding, or pull down the repo 
and get using it yourself.

- are in to making demo's which use webid, then I'd encourage you to 
contact Joe, Melvin, (or even myself) and get doing something which 
utilizes WebID (the more demos and uses the better for us all!)

- have anything you'd love to see WebID powered, just say or discuss.

As always, coding, seeing something come to fruition, or simply using 
cool new demo's and things, always gets a group moving well, and really 
spur's on ones own personal interest.

Of course this isn't the only project, many others on the group also 
have related projects and implementations, but this is just one that's 
very actively developed and which is really a joy to work on and 
participate in. So, you might enjoy :)



Received on Monday, 4 April 2011 18:14:32 UTC