URIs for quantities and units defined within ISO 80000 and ISO 1000

Dear Mr. Thor,

I believe Mrs. Saruhashi forwarded my previous e-mail on this subject to you.

There are many objects defined within ISO standards, which the Web community
would like to reference by URI. The most fundamental of these are quantities
and units, and this has been identified as a key requirement by both the W3C
Product Modelling XG and the ISO TC184/SC4 "Industrial Data on the Web" team.

What would be the best way of raising this issue within ISO TC 12 and its WGs?

The use of URIs to identify objects is essential to our work, but the reason
why may not be obvious to those not using Web technologies. The document
"Why URIs for quantities and units are important" is attached, which gives a
brief explanation. I will be happy to expand on any issues which are unclear.

Best regards,
David Leal
(member of the W3C Product Modelling XG, co-convenor of the ISO TC184/SC4
"Industrial Data on the Web" team) 
David Leal
CAESAR Systems Limited
29 Somertrees Avenue
Lee London SE12 0BS
tel:      +44 (0)20 8857 1095
mob:      +44 (0)77 0702 6926
e-mail:   david.leal@caesarsystems.co.uk
web site: http://www.caesarsystems.co.uk

Received on Monday, 4 August 2008 16:38:04 UTC