Pronto 0.1 Release: Probabilistic Reasoner for OWL DL

Pronto 0.1: A Probabilistic Reasoner for OWL DL and Pellet

We're [0] happy to announce the first public release of Pronto [1], a
probabilistic reasoner for OWL DL ontologies, written as an extension
of Pellet, an open source Java OWL DL reasoner. You can download
Pronto from the following link:

Support, discussion, and planning for the future development of Pronto
will take place on or around the Pellet mailing list, pellet-users at

Pronto's Features and Capabilities

Pronto adds the following capabilities to Pellet:

    * Adding probabilistic statements to an ontology (using OWL 1.1's
      annotation properties)
    * Inferring new probabilistic statements from a probabilistic
    * Explaining results of probabilistic reasoning
You can find more information about Pronto in doc/basic.pdf. There is
a complete example of Pronto usage with a probabilistic ontology in
examples/brc directory.

Quick Start Guide

Unzip the pronto distribution file into a directory of your choice.
Download OR-Objects jar file or124.jar (see "Dependencies" section
below for more info about OR-Objects), and copy it to the lib
directory under the main Pronto directory.

You can run Pronto command-line program using the script pronto.bat on
Windows systems or on Unix systems. The command-line program
expects the following arguments:

pronto.bat (or: .sh, if yr on a Unix) <ontology uri> <mode> <query file uri>

mode can be 's' (probabilistic part in a separate file) or 'e'
(embedded into classical part)

query file format: <query type> <query parameter>*

supported queries:
 - entail <evidence class uri> <conclusion class uri>
 - entail <individual uri> <class uri>
 - psat - decides probabilistic satisfiability
 - consistency - decides probabilistic consistency
 - improbable - determines improbable classes (if any)


Pronto depends on Pellet 1.5.1 [2], which is included in the Pronto
release package. It also relies on Ops Research's OR-Objects
package. You can download OR-Objects v1.2.4 from [3].

The license terms of OR-Objects do not permit us to distribute it with
Pronto. We anticipate that the next public release of Pronto will not
depend on OR-Objects.

Open Source License

Pronto is open source software, available under the licensing terms of
the AGPL, v.3. You can read the text of the full license here:

The Pronto Team @ Clark & Parsia LLC



Received on Monday, 24 March 2008 12:04:45 UTC