Please sign your comment on Potential Disagreements in uncertainty ontology

Dear all, our URW3 wiki uncertainty Ontology Discussion page contains following comments, we ask the author to attribute it, in order we can discuss, thanks Peter

 Potential Disagreements 

 1. I view Bayesian networks, Fuzzy Logic, Dempster Schaeffer, etc. as representation/reasoning 

tools on uncertain information. So the proposal was: let's have two classes in the ontology:
    * Uncertainty
    * Models/Techniques for dealing with Uncertainty...
    Mitch seemed to suggest that these things categorized different types of uncertainty, though 

in my mind, given a  
    piece of uncertain information, I can use any of the above techniques (possibly inappropriately) 

to represent and 
    reason with it.
 2. I prefer to call it excerpt of an ontology about "imperfect knowledge" ...
 3. I also recommend to use an OWL Editor to define the ontology ... 
 4. There have been many attempts in the past to make such an ontology ... and none was 

accepted as reference ... so there may be a good reason for that :-(( 

Received on Wednesday, 19 September 2007 14:53:25 UTC