IEEE Computer: Special Issue on Physical-Cyber-Social Computing

Dear all,

We are planning a special issue on Physical-Cyber-Social Computing for IEEE Computer. The final submission due is 1 September 2014. If you are interested to submit an article, please email the guest editors a brief description of the article you plan to submit by 15 August 2014

Potential topics include:

    - semantics and information modeling; semantic integration, fusion, and abstraction strategies;

    - stream processing and reasoning on complex PCS data; real-time feedback control and response systems; human/event/situation-centered views of data streams;

   -  pattern recognition, trend detection, anomaly and event detection, semantic event processing, and inferring actionable knowledge techniques;

    - spatio-temporal, location-aware, continuous, scalable, and dynamic analysis;

    - security, privacy, and trust issues in collection, storage, and processing; and

    - novel and significant PCS applications, deployments, and evaluations in areas including personalized and contextualized information and alerts, health, biomedicine, smart cities, and human/social/economic development.

You can find the call for papers at:

Best regards,


Received on Tuesday, 15 April 2014 17:26:59 UTC