Web-based questionnaire about the participation to the SSN XG teleconfs this summer

Hi all,

For tomorrow's conference, I have already received regrets from Kerry, Michael, Kevin and David. 
This is the sign that we are entering in a period where it will become more difficult to get a full quota of participants to the weekly teleconfs. 

To overcome this difficulty, I have created a web-based survey to let all the XG participants the possibility to express their regrets for the Summer teleconfs in advance. I have reused a model of questionnaire designed by another W3C working group (Forms WG) where each recipient is asked to tick the box to announce if he or she will not be present. 

If you have never answered such a questionnaire, you just need to know that it is possible to answer as many times as you want and that the access to the results will only be available to the SSN XG participants.

Here is the web page that you need to access to record your answers:
and here is the result page (with my dummy answer):

Can you please fill it at least two or three weeks in advance to help me to plan the meeting agenda. 


Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 14:18:27 UTC