Re: Meeting time for first meeting SSN XG

Sorry for the late reply - I was out of office (sick).

6th, 7th, 8th, 9th of April at either 14:00 GMT, 15:00 GMT (12 midnight 
/ 1 AM Australia time)

9th is not possible for me.

6th, 7th, 8th, 9th of April at either 8:00 AM GMT, 9:00 AM GMT -
This would be a reasonable hour for everyone possibly including the US
as it would be 5 AM/ 6AM East Coast time.

7th and 8th are possible for me.

May I propose to use Doodle? - in my experience much 
faster and less painful for the coordinator :-)



Amit Parashar wrote:
> Dear Participants,
> I would like us all to be able to meet for the first meeting at least 
> during the late time slot.  I know the timings are awkward for some of 
> us more than others.  There are some other solutions available 
> including:
> 1. having two meetings a week - accommodating for different time zones 
> and then have the requirement for coordination between the two
> 2. having a much later meeting for Australia/Asia - 12 midnight, which 
> generally gives a reasonable time slot for EU/US participants.
> 3. we can also have a rolling action item to discuss the date of the 
> next meeting at the each meeting, therefore those who are going to 
> come can decide.
> There are a number of options we could pursue, and we can discuss this 
> at the meeting.
> With respect to the meeting, I think this week's time slot's are not 
> getting full attendance, I suggest that we pick a day next week with 
> the options being:
> 1. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th of April at either 14:00 GMT, 15:00 GMT (12 
> midnight / 1 AM Australia time)
> 2. 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th of April at either 8:00 AM GMT, 9:00 AM GMT - 
> This would be a reasonable hour for everyone possibly including the US 
> as it would be 5 AM/ 6AM East Coast time.
> My preference is for the GMT AM time slots, however our partners are 
> Wright State will have log on a little earlier that morning :)  To 
> check the time in your city, please click on the following URL and 
> modify the dates.
> <>
> The 10th is Easter (Good Friday) and a public holiday in many 
> countries including Australia.
>   Regards,
> Amit
> On 01/04/2009, at 6:47 PM, Kevin R. Page wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-03-31 at 22:07 +0200, Victor Manuel Pelaez Martinez wrote:
>  > For the rest of the meetings I would prefer the morning options that
>  > were presented last week because it would be difficult for me to
>  > connect at 20:00 GMT (22:00 CEST it's a little bit late for me).
> As far as a regular meeting slot goes, obviously office hours local time
> would be ideal. Going earlier, 07:30 local (06:30 GMT) onwards on
> weekdays is fine, but I suspect this won't work for our colleagues in
> the US.
> Weekdays are fine finishing up to 19:00 local (18:00 GMT), except
> Thursdays 17:00 GMT latest.
> If it has to be later in the evenings, some variation would help.
> Fridays evenings are regularly susceptible to weekend travel, Thursdays
> are out except in August and September. Tuesdays would be best in July
> through September. Apart from that no evening is ideal if it's going to
> be the same one for a year; I can prioritise the telecons with warning
> (>1 week), but variation would mitigate the inevitable clashes!
> Regards,
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin R. Page
> Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia      University of Southampton, UK

Prof. Manfred Hauswirth
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI)
National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG)

Received on Monday, 6 April 2009 11:37:51 UTC