Re: Quick thought - re-title report "An Open and Privacy-aware Social Web: W3C Social Web Final Report"

On 2 Dec 2010, at 15:13, Harry Halpin wrote:

> The current report "Social Web XG Final Report", is distinctly not
> very interesting and may lead people not to read this report. Are
> there any objections to changing the title to "An Open and
> Privacy-aware Social Web: W3C Social Web XG Final Report". That is
> more or less the theme of our report. Otherwise, I fear people may not
> read this...

Since it's more a SOTA and a set of requirements / next steps to make this happen, I'd suggest

"Towards An Open and ..."

or something similar.
But if not, I'm happy with the new title

Minor detail: what about
(1) Hyperlink in the authors' list
(2) Minimal RDFa markup (we've done that for the XSPARQL member submission)

> Unless I hear any objections, I will change the title and hit the
> publish button today...
>              changes,
>                  harry

Dr. Alexandre Passant
Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Galway
:me owl:sameAs <> .

Received on Thursday, 2 December 2010 15:21:41 UTC