Re: World Map of Social Networks

Le 26 août 2010 à 11:46, Ted Thibodeau Jr a écrit :
>> [1]
>> [2]
> These maps aren't terribly interesting to me.  They (appear to) show 
> only the most popular (measured how?  regular users?  registrants?) 
> site/network/service in a given country.

Usually accounts (including, companies, bots, etc.)
As for their use, they help explain sometimes that 
the world doesn't revolve around Facebook, Twitter 
and Google. They are indeed often incomplete and not 
up to date (*). They do not have a *value* (money), 
there are just a way to communicate a type of 
information for some people (executive, journalists).

(*) Mixi is not anymore the 1st social network in Japan.

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Friday, 27 August 2010 22:37:42 UTC