Re: Tool that extracts ontologie from relational database

Hi Ticiana

You can check out paper "Translating SQL Applications to the Semantic Web"
[1]. We present a set of formal and complete first order logic rules to
extract an ontology from the relational schema in SQL DDL.This is part of a
larger implementation that we are soon to finalize. We will announce soon
was we have this available for download. You can also find a survey of
existing approaches that extract ontologies from relational databases here

There is also th RDBToOnto tool from the TAO Project [3]


Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student
Dept. of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:39 PM, ashok malhotra

> I'm forwarding your request to the RDB2RDF mailing list.
> There are many people on this list who are interested in this area and will
> be able to
> help you.
> All the best, Ashok
> ticiana linhares wrote:
>> Good Afternoon,
>> We are students of Federal University of Ceará, Brazil. We are of group
>> Advanced Research in Database and we are looking for a tool for extracting
>> ontologies from E/R diagram or extracting ontologies from relational
>> database. Do you know any tool free that has this feature?
>> Thank you for your attention.
>> Cordially,
>> --
>> Advanced Researchs in Database Group
>> Computing Science
>> --
>> Ticiana Linhares
>> Ciência da Computação

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 2009 10:04:49 UTC