[Fwd: SWIG F2F meeting during W3C Tech Plenary week? (during Oct 20-24th 2008)]

Re http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2008May/0001.html

Hello database enthusiasts!

I'm trying to put together a plan for a SWIG meeting during the next 
Tech Plenary (see attached fwd).

If there are RDB2RDF people attending the TP, I think it would be great 
if we could have a short report / discussion session on the topic during 
any wider SWIG meeting. Will you be having your own meeting as well? Is 
anyone available to lead an RDB2RDF session within a SWIG meeting? (I'd 
guess to allocate 40 mins - 1hr max on this topic). At the moment, no 
specific timeslot has been requested for SWIG. Let me know your 
interests, preferences etc and I'll do my best to accomodate.

Thanks :)



Forwarded message 1

  • From: Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org>
  • Date: Fri, 02 May 2008 15:44:54 +0100
  • Subject: SWIG F2F meeting during W3C Tech Plenary week? (during Oct 20-24th 2008)
  • To: Semantic Web <semantic-web@w3.org>
  • Cc: Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>
  • Message-ID: <481B28E6.4040400@danbri.org>
  • Archived-At: <http://www.w3.org/mid/481B28E6.4040400@danbri.org>
Hi all

W3C's Technical Plenary week is this year in France. I'd like to propose 
a Semantic Web Interest Group gathering during the meeting.

TP Details: Sofitel Cannes Mandelieu Royal Casino, Mandelieu, (FR);  20 
October - 24 October 2008

"TPAC 2008: the Combined Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee meetings 
week brings together W3C Working and Interest Groups, the Advisory 
Board, the TAG and the Advisory Committee " -- 
http://www.w3.org/2008/10/TPAC/Overview.html (W3C Member password needed)

With my chairs hat on, I need to decide whether to ask for a Semantic 
Web Interest Group meeting slot. And if so, when during the week to meet.

I understand that other W3C Semantic Web Working Groups are inclined to 
meet towards the end of the TP week, in part because ISWC 2008 follows 
shortly afterwards (http://iswc2008.semanticweb.org/ Oct 26-30, 
Karlsruhe Germany).  I would like to separate the "whether to meet" and 
"when to meet" issues, and will do my best to accomodate whatever needs 
are expressed here. The exact timeslot will be agreed through the SW 
Coordination Group, taking into account the needs of the other W3C groups.

I need to establish within the next week whether there is critical mass 
for a meeting. And if so, how many attendees to estimate (so we can book 
an appropriate room). Please let me know (ideally cc:'ing this public 
thread) if you would like to attend. Suggestions for agenda items are 
also welcomed. In the past we have handled this fairly informally, 
mixing short talks, themed discussion, inter-WG liaison, and lightning 
talks. This year I would like to theme any meeting around the 
practicalities of mainstream rollout: obstacles, issues, opportunities 
that arise as these technologies find their way into wider use. But this 
is a broad topic. What would you all like to discuss?

So - who fancies a SWIG meetup during week of 20-24 October?



ps. see also http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/425919/ for Upcoming users


Received on Friday, 2 May 2008 16:53:11 UTC