Re: Provenance XG Tcon Agenda for March 5

apologies for multiple postings.

You can find the slides for the paper I mentioned in my previous
email at the following address:


Irini Fundulaki wrote:
> All,
> we would like to add another reading to the list proposed by Chris Bizer:
> G. Flouris, I. Fundulaki, P. Pediaditis, Y. Theoharis and V. 
> Christophides.
> Coloring RDF Triples to Capture Provenance. In Proc. ISWC 2009.
> Paper Link:
> Thanks,
> Irini
> Yolanda Gil wrote:
>> All:
>> This week's telecon will be focused on named graphs.  Chris Bizer 
>> will make a short presentation, followed by discussion.  He suggests 
>> the following readings:
>>> 1. Jeremy Carroll, Christian Bizer, Patrick Hayes, Patrick Stickler: 
>>> Named
>>> Graphs. Journal of Web Semantics, Vol. 3, Issue 4, p. 247-267, 2005.
>>> (
>>> 2. Christian Bizer, Richard Cyganiak: Quality-driven information 
>>> filtering
>>> using the WIQA policy framework. Journal of Web Semantics: Science, 
>>> Services
>>> and Agents on the World Wide Web, Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2009, 
>>> Pages
>>> 1-10. (
>>> 3. SPARQL Query Language for RDF - W3C Recommendation, Section: RDF 
>>> Dataset
>>> 4. Christian Bizer, Richard Cyganiak: The TriG Syntax,
>> Chris will send some slides ahead of the telecon.
>> Would anyone be willing to volunteer to be note taker for this call?  
>> Thanks to those who took notes in the last few calls, it is very 
>> useful for the group!
>> Thanks,
>> Yolanda
>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Past teleconferences and minutes are recorded on the wiki:
>> Time:  
>> Bridge US: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
>> Bridge UK: +44.117.370.6152
>> Bridge FR: +
>> Conference code: 98765
>> Duration: 60 minutes
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> IRC
>> ** Note: If you are new to W3C, please take some time to learn about 
>> IRC at:
>> IRC channel: #prov-xg on
>> W3C IRC Web Client:
>> Note taking: TBD
>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>> Welcome, review of agenda (by Yolanda Gil)
>> Short presentation about named graphs (Chris Bizer)
>> Discussion (led by Chris Bizer)
>> Planning for next meeting, agenda and note taker (led by Yolanda Gil)
>> --------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Friday, 5 March 2010 07:19:12 UTC