Bibliography tagging homework


At the telecon last Friday we agreed to a tagging process for out  
state-of-the-art report.  Based on the notes from the call, I updated  
the wiki page [1], where you can find:

	- the process [2]
	- instructions for adding tags in Mendeley [3]
	- suggested tags and categories [4]

One of the things we agreed to was that each group member would tag 3   
to 5 papers this week, and that we would check in on Friday to see how  
the process was working.  It should not take very much time and it  
will really help us all to debug and improve the process.  So please  
go ahead and contribute!

Anyone who was in the call and has additional details to add please  
feel free to edit the wiki.

Happy tagging!



Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2010 01:06:37 UTC