My courses for Sweden are now public

Hello everyone!

As of yesterday my work for Skolverket is now public.

Skolverket will solicit feedback until mid-august.

Web Technology, which includes Front End Development and Server Side 
Scripting is at:

Interface design is at:

How can OWEA help?

1. Individually you all can give feedback. Either to me personally or 
through the (badly designed) forum at:

2. Perhaps OWEA could draft an official response?

Every statement of support is very much needed. Something like the 
following perhaps? "I (we) are very glad to see how usability, 
accessibility and standards play a major role in the curriculum. If this 
is implemented Sweden has a good chance to serve as a model for 
education in web development..."

Don't put too much emphasis on individual phrases in the grading 
criteria. Even if they were not machine translated, they would be 
cryptic. Skolverket has its own vocabulary, that is foreign even to me 
in Swedish!

FYI, all topics is at:

Lars Gunther

Received on Tuesday, 18 May 2010 11:59:49 UTC